Pathfinder alchemy recipes
Pathfinder alchemy recipes

pathfinder alchemy recipes


If the creator’s check fails, however, she risks a mishap (see Mishaps).Įach alchemical item features a recipe at the bottom of the item stat block that details how to create the item using spontaneous alchemy. Once the necessary time has passed, the creator attempts a Craft (alchemy) check against the DC to craft the item. The reagents, crafting tools, and length of time required are noted in the recipe. To perform spontaneous alchemy, a character must begin with the reagents and crafting tools required by the recipe of the item she wants to make.

pathfinder alchemy recipes

This allows the alchemist to obtain results with less time and effort, but often at greater cost, because of the necessary purity and greater volume of reagents required by alchemical recipes. However, instead of simply making skill checks and spending the necessary currency for unspecified raw materials, the character must provide specific reagents and combine them according to the recipe for the item she wishes to create. The cost to craft an item with spontaneous alchemy is usually 10% to 20% higher than the item’s market price.Ĭharacters versed in spontaneous alchemy can concoct alchemical items more quickly than through normal use of the Craft (alchemy) skill. With the GM’s permission, characters with the Eschew Materials feat can assume they have the correct reagents on hand to perform spontaneous alchemy instead of tracking the quantities of each reagent owned, players can then simply track the number of gold pieces worth of reagents their PCs spend each time they perform an act of spontaneous alchemy. This subsystem requires the player to track the individual alchemical reagents her character has on hand, which she can combine in a variety of ways using different processes to create a wide selection of alchemical items. These optional spontaneous alchemy rules provide an all-new way for characters to rapidly craft alchemical items.


Feats that increase one’s prowess in spontaneous alchemy make this path even more potent, allowing both professional and amateur alchemists to craft dozens of different alchemical items in a fraction of the time that would normally be required for the Alchemist Fire Pathfinder.

pathfinder alchemy recipes

The spontaneous alchemy rules allow any characters to dedicate themselves to the art of spontaneous alchemy. The alchemist’s class skills are Appraise (Int), Craft (any) (Int), Disable Device (Dex), Fly (Dex), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Survival (Wis), Use Magic Device (Cha). Starting Wealth: 3d6 × 10 gp (average 105gp.) In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gp or less. These traits, while making him a liability and risk for most civilized organizations and institutions of higher learning, seem to fit quite well with most adventuring groups. Nor is it mollified by the alchemist’s almost gleeful passion for building explosive bombs and discovering strange new poisons and methods for their use. Role: The alchemist’s reputation is not softened by his exuberance (some would say dangerous recklessness) in perfecting his magical extracts and potion-like creations, infusing these substances with magic siphoned from his aura and using his own body as experimental stock.

Pathfinder alchemy recipes